Join the PJA


PJA Memberships are open to active duty, retired and separated Pararescuemen and Combat Rescue Officer applicants.

Life Members – a $300 one-time life member fee for new and upgrading existing members in good standing.

PJA Members – $40.00 to join for a 2 year membership, renewing at $20/year on the 3rd anniversary.a

 PJA Associate

PJA Associate Memberships are open to family, friends and supporters of PJ’s, CRO’s, the PJ Association, and are sponsored by a Life or PJA Member in good standing

> PJA Life Associate – $40.00 to join for a 2 year membership, renews at $20/year on the 3rd anniversary.

PJA Associate – $40.00 to join for a 2 year membership, renewing at $20/year on the 3rd anniversary.

PJA Heritage

Heritage Membership nominations are submitted and sponsored by a Life or PJA Member in good standing with the PJA. They are granted by the PJ Association for Legacy, Honorary, Gold Star and Widows of PJ’s or CRO’s. 

> Nominees are reviewed & approved by the Board. of Directors.  There are no dues, or voting privileges.

> Widows of a PJ or CRO must not otherwise meet the criteria for a PJA Associate Membership. 

Applications are reviewed by the PJA Board of Directors before access is granted.  

Join the
PJ Association

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Must contain 8 characters, no more than 15. Recommend mixed case letters, numbers and symbols can be used.
Mobile Preferred
Must contain 12 characters , no more than 20 and contain mixed case letters& numbers. Symbols are encouraged !,@,#,$,%,^,&, or *
Life Member: ($300, 1 Time Payment)
Select only one Membership Category from
either Life or PJA Member Options.

PJA Member ($40 yrs 1&2 + 20$/yr thereafter)
Select only one Membership Category from
either PJA or Life Member Options.
Life Member Options
  • Life Membership is open to current, former & retired PJ’s and/or CRO’s.
  • Life Associate Membership is for family and friends of PJ’s/CRO’s and PJA/Pararescue supporters.
PJA Member Options
  • PJA Membership is open to current, former or retired PJ’s and CRO’s.
  • PJA Associate Membership is for family and friends of PJ’s/CRO’s and PJA/Pararescue supporters.
Notes, questions, or comments?
Asterisk ‘ * ‘ (multiplication symbol)

Join the PJA / Form ID#: 7376

What Membership
Means to You

When you join the PJ Association you become a member of an extended membership of Pararescuemen, Combat Rescue Officers, family members, friends and supporters of a prestigious association celebrating the Pararescue Brotherhood


The PJ Association
Membership Database

The PJA Membership Database is a website administrator managed encrypted data-set, limited to members only. Membership applicants are screened and validated before access is granted.

The Membership database is a composite of 3 main components; the Member Account, the Member Profile, and the Member Directory.

The Directory can be searched, sorted and filtered only by logged-in members.  Not all member profile data can be seen by other members.  Phone numbers and payment data are restricted to the logged in member.

Your Association
Member Account

Your name, email address,  username and password are database requirements needed to create your PJA Membership Account.

You can change your password anytime, but usernames can be changed only the website administrator, by member request.  

The Best Phone field is your preferred phone number for contact by the PJA, and is not visible to other members.

Your Association
Member Profile

The Member Profile is collection of personal information about you, the member. 

It can be edited, updated or changed only by the member, or the website administrator by member request.

Members can include a biography about themselves, add a cover and a profile picture, add service history, PJ Class graduation dates, or make changes to other member profile field data. 

Phone numbers and payment information are not visible to other members.

The Member Database can be searched by other members using the PJA Membership Directory search fields which is encrypted on encrypted servers, and is visible only to logged in members.